Asked by Sam P ,28 years
3 months ago
I have visited the Urologist Doctor and he told me to do stretching for phimosis. Which cream should i use along with stretching any recommendation would be great.
Asked by Anonymous User
2 days ago
where can we test DNA in Nepal
Asked by Mukesh pahari
3 days, 5 hours ago
I am 34 Years male and suffering from Pemphigus foliaceus from last 2 years and I am taking azathioprine (azaron 50 mg) daily. Now I am planning for baby. What is the possibility of transfer...
why penis breadth side is irritation during sex?
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Hello namastey doctor sapp!! At my private pubic part near anus...
How much does cost for laser circumcision and other methods of...
There is small grain on my testicle the nerves around my testicle...
'm searching for your appointment with Dr. Rabindra Tamang sir at...
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