Asked by Anonymous User
11 months ago
we didn't have sex .we are just Mading out .he wiped sperm from his dick by hand then wiped it on clothes.there was not that big amount of sperm i guess there was little unnoticeable sperm and he put finger inside my vagina.then after that i got bleeding on after 10-12 day i supposed to get periods it lasted for 4,5 blood clots are also there and i have severe lower back pain then after 4 weeks of that fingering incident i did usg abdominal and it showed Normal study then i started to have nipples pain(lasted5,6 days) and fever. after 14 days of this incident i again got bleeding it started with premenstrual symptoms like 1st one and it lasted for 5 days all the symptoms subsides after it and i again started having back pain after 1 days back pain subcides and sometimes and sometimes i have mild pain in left abdomen is did hcg test also which showed negative i have insufficient vitamin d.its been 7 weeks after that incident Is there any chances of ectopic pregnancy ? is there any chances of normal pregnancy? why i am having back pain .