Dr. ByapakPaudel
MD, MS (Ortho), Fellowship Minimally Invasive Endoscopic Spine Surgery
Consultant Orthopedic and Spine Surgeon
Assistant Director Spine Services, Grande International Hospital
One and only fellowship trained Endoscopic Spine surgeon in Nepal
Founder Joint Secretary Association of Spine Surgeons of Nepal (ASSN)
Treasurer ASSN 2018-2020
Mentor : Fellowship in Spinal Reconstructive Surgery (FSRS)- Grande Int. Hospital
General Secretary Nepal Orthopedic Association (NOA) (2014-2016)
Executive Committee member Asia Pacific Trauma Society (APTS) 2018-2020
National delegate Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association (APOA) 2016-2018
Reviewer: World Neurosurgery, Biomed Research International, Acta Orthopaedica et TraumatologicaTurcica (AOTT) , Journal of International Medical Research (JIMR), Neurospine (NS)-official journal of ASIA SPINE, Journal of Neurological Surgery- Part A (JNLS-A), Central European Neurosurgery, Journal of Clinical Neuroscience (JOCN)
Editorial Board: International Journal of Recent Surgical and Medical Sciences (IJRSMS), Grande Int. Hospital Medical Journal (GMJ)
Member IRC (Institutional Review Committee) Grande Int. Hospital- Approved by NHRC
Speaker, Moderator and Panelist for NAVI Endoscopic Spinal Surgery International Web Symposium (NEIWS)
Scopus :57193346134
Google search words: ByapakPaudel
Mobile : 9841307350
Dr. ByapakPaudel,MD, MS (Ortho),Fellowship in Spine Surgery (India, Japan) with advanced fellowship in Minimally Invasive Endoscopic Spine Surgery (Korea, 1 year ), and a full time Consultant Orthopaedic and Spine Surgeon, Assistant Director of Spine Services of Grande International Hospital, is registered in Nepal Medical Council (NMC) - governmental body-Nepal Orthopaedic Association (NOA)- professional body-Nepal Medical Association (NMA) -professional body-and is a founder member of Association of Spine Surgeons of Nepal(ASSN) as Joint Secretary. He has completed his undergraduate medical education in the scholarship schemewith good grades and degree of MD from the School of Medicine, Ankara University,Ankara, Turkey in 1999.On returning to Nepal, he joined the Critical Care Unit (CCU) as a Medical Officer at B&B Hospital in Gwarko, Lalitpur, Nepal in September 1999. He was selected as a Resident Doctor at the Hospital and Rehabilitation Center for Disabled Children (HRDC) at Banepa, Kavre , Nepal in September 2000 in which he worked from September 2000 to September 2001.At this center he became familiar with many of the common ailments, which lead to musculoskeletal disability in Nepal. He was selected into the Kathmandu University Orthopaedic Residency Training Program in September 2001.He has successfully completed the training graduating with the degree of Master in Orthopaedic Surgery íMS (Ortho)ý, Kathmandu Universityin 2004 with thesis entitled "The value of a week-long daily stretching and casting protocol prior to Turco’s posteromedial clubfoot release in reducing wound complication: a comparative study ". Following this he worked as a Registrar at B&B Hospital, HRDC and Dhulikhel Hospital, all hospitals comprising the Kathmandu University Teaching Hospitals group. During this year he assumed more and more responsibility of independent work and he has been able to successfully assume larger roles in the management of both traumatic as well as old orthopaedic case load. He is well knowledgeable in paediatricorthopaedic problems because of his extensive work at HRDC. Working at B&B Hospital, a busy trauma center helped him to acquire skill to handle severe and polytrauma patients with full confidence. After a registrarship for a year he took a responsibility as Resource Faculty (Lecturer) and Coordinator of Problem Based Learning (PBL) Program inKathmandu University Medical School while also working as Orthopaedic Surgeon at B&B Hospital and HRDC till January 2007 when he has been appointed as a full time Orthopaedic Surgeon at Medicare National Hospital and Research Center.Presently he is working asConsultantOrthopaedic and Spine Surgeon , Assistant Director of Spine services inGrande International Hospital since1st January 2013.
During his tenure at Kathmandu University Medical School, he was nominated as Member for Selection of Teaching Assistant to conduct interview and was also appointed as Moderator for University Exam Questions, 2007.He has made a comprehensive Students' Handbook for medical students. He has shown leadership in bringing many faculty members together into an orchestrated effort for activities that requiredintegrated activities such as PBL case writing, Problem Based Questions (PBQ) making andtutoring of PBL groups.
He has successfully completed Fellowship in Spine surgery from Indian Spinal Injury Centre (ISIC), New Delhi, under Dr. H. S. Chhabra in 2008. He has then participated in various AO Spine activities as participant as well as organizer/ guest lecturer/speaker and actively involved in various national and international spine activities. He is presently member of AO Spine, Faculty (provisional) AO Spine, life member of Spinal Cord Society, founder member (Joint Secretary) of Association of Spine Surgeons of Nepal (ASSN). He is currently treasurer of ASSN. He has also participated in World Congress of WFMISS Istanbul held in 8-13 April 2014. He has also completed Cadaver Course on “Percutaneous Endoscopic TransforaminalDisectomy“ ,“Epiduroscopy and Pain, Interventional Procedures” and “Percutaneous Lumbar Fusion (OLIF)” during WFMISS congress.As further training in Spine Surgery he has visited Sapporo Orthopaedic Hospital and Affiliated hospitals (Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan) to Prof. KuniyoshiAbumi as Visiting Scholar from 12 June to 25 July 2015. From June 2016 to May 2017 he hadfellowship training with Prof. Hyeun Sung Kim at Nanoori Hospital, Suwon, South Korea in Minimal Invasive EndoscopicSpine Surgery.
He has served Nepal OrthopaedicAssociation (NOA) for the term 2006-2008 as executive committee member, as joint treasurer for term 2008-2010, as member of scientific committeefor term 2010-2012, as Joint Secretary for term 2012-2014andas a General Secretary of NOA (2014-2016).He has been actively involved in organizing Orthocon(NOA conference) and ASSN conference .He has contributed to successful completion 3rd Nepal/ Japan Combined symposium , Orthocon 2016 as Organizing Secretary in Feb 2016. He has membership of many national and international professional organizations. He is representing in Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association (APOA) as council member (national delegate)from Nepal and is currently an Executive member of Asia Pacific Trauma Society (APTS).
He also worked as Visiting Orthopaedic Surgeon for Lumbini Medical College in 2007 where he played a vital role in establishing orthopedic department in Lumbini Medical College in its initial years. He is also a SIGN Surgeon.
He has participated and presented numerous scientific papers in connection with both national and international scientific medical meetings. He also has some publications to his credit in international, national indexed journal,national daily newspaper, online portals and national TV. (BD Clinic Endoscopy) (Kantipur radio) (AP1)
He is a Reviewer of World Neurosurgery, Biomed Research International, Acta Orthopaedica et TraumatologicaTurcica (AOTT) , Journal of International Medical Research (JIMR), Neurospine (NS)-official journal of ASIA SPINE, Journal of Neurological Surgery- Part A (JNLS-A), Central European Neurosurgery, Journal of Clinical Neuroscience (JOCN) is also an International Board Member of International Journal of Recent Surgical & Medical Sciences and editorial board of Grande Int. Hospital Medical Journal , Member IRC (Institutional Review Committee) Grande Int. Hospital- Approved by NHRC and is Mentor of Fellowship in Spinal Reconstructive Surgery (FSRS)- Grande Int. Hospital, program.
Scopus :57193346134
- Book chapter:Kim H.S., Paudel B., Jang J.S., Oh S.H., Jang IT. (2020) Current Limits and Feasible Future Modifications of Lumbar Endoscopy. In: Kim JS., Lee J., Ahn Y. (eds) Endoscopic Procedures on the Spine. Springer, Singapore
- Paudel B, Shrestha BK, Banskota AK.Two faces of major lower limb amputations.Kathmandu Univ Med J (KUMJ). 2005 Jul-Sep;3(3):212-6.
PMID: 18650578
- Banskota AK, Paudel B, Pradhan I, Bijukachhe B, Vaidya R, Rajbhandary T. Results of simultaneous open reduction and Salter innominate osteotomy for developmental dysplasia of the hip.Kathmandu Univ Med J (KUMJ). 2005 Jan-Mar;3(1):6-10.
PMID: 16401936 (Corresponding author)
- Paudel B, Pandey CR.Generalized Surgical Emphysema in Open Pelvic Fracture: a case report. Nepal Orthopedic Association Journal (NOAJ) 2013 Vol.3(1): 28-30. DOI:
- Paudel B, Chhabra HS, Pradhan RL, Arora M.Outcome of Surgical Decompression in Simple Degenerative Lumbar Canal Stenosis.Nepal Orthopedic Association Journal (NOAJ) 2013 Vol.3(2): 2-9. DOI:
- Paudel B, Kim HS, Jang JS, Choi JH, Chung SK, Lee JS, Kim JH, Oh SH, Jang IT. Percutaneous Full Endoscopic Treatment of Bertolotti Syndrome: A Report of Three Cases with Technical Note. J NeurolSurg A Cent EurNeurosurg. 2017 Feb 17.doi: 10.1055/s-0037-1598173.
PMID: 28212594
- Kim HS, Paudel B, Jang JS, Oh SH, Lee S, Park JE, Jang IT. Percutaneous Full Endoscopic Bilateral Lumbar Decompression of Spinal Stenosis ThroughUniportal-Contralateral Approach: Techniques and Preliminary Results.World Neurosurg. 2017 Jul;103:201-209. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.20103.130. Epub 2017 Apr 5.(Corresponding author)
PMID: 28389410
- Kim HS, Yudoyono F, Paudel B, Kim KJ, Jang JS, Choi JH, Chung SK, Kim JH, Jang IT, Oh SH, Park JE, Lee S.Analysis of Clinical Results of Three Different Routes of Percutaneous Endoscopic Transforaminal Lumbar Discectomy for Lumbar Herniated Disk.World Neurosurg. 2017 Jul;103:442-44 doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2017.04.008. Epub 2017 Apr 11.
PMID: 28408266
- Kim HS, Paudel B , Kim KJ , Jang JS , Choi JH , Chung SK, Kim JH , Jang IT , Oh SH, Park JE, Lee S. Spontaneous Spinal Canal Remodeling after Postural Pillow Reduction and Lordotic Posterior Column Compressive Percutaneous Transpedicular Screw Fixation in Neurologically Intact Thoracolumbar Burst Fractures. Journal of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery and Technique 2017;2(1): 20-26. doi: author)
- Kim HS, Paudel B, Jang JS , Oh SH, Jang IT. Percutaneous Full Endoscopic Ligamentum Flavum Splitting Interlaminar Approach for Removal of Dorsally Migrated Lumbar Disc Herniation: A case Report with Technical Note. Journal of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery and Technique 2017;2(1): 35-38. doi: author)
- Kim HS, Paudel B ,Chung SK , Jang JS, Oh SH, Il Jang IT. Transforaminal Epiduroscopic Laser Ablation of Sinuvertebral Nerve in Patients with Chronic Diskogenic Back Pain: Technical Note and Preliminary Result. J NeurolSurg A Cent EurNeurosurg 2017;00:1–6.(In press) DOI ISSN 2193-6315.(Corresponding author)
- HS Kim, R Patel, B Paudel, JS Jang, IT Jang, SH Oh, JE Park, S Lee.Early Outcomes of Endoscopic Contralateral Foraminal and Lateral Recess Decompression via an Interlaminar Approach in Patients with Unilateral Radiculopathy from Unilateral Foraminal Stenosis.World neurosurgery 108, 763-773.PMID: 28919229 DOI: 10.1016/j.wneu.2017.09.018
- Hyeun Sung Kim, Farid Yudoyono, Byapak Paudel, Ki Joon Kim, Jee-Soo Jang, Jeong-Hoon Choi, Sung Kyun Chung, Jeong Hoon Kim, Il-Tae Jang, Seong-Hoon Oh, Jae Eun Park, and Sol Lee. Suprapedicular Circumferential Opening Technique (SCOT) of Percutaneous Endoscopic Transforaminal Lumbar Discectomy for High grade Inferiorly Migrated lumbar disc herniation.BioMed Research International
Volume 2018, Article ID 5349680, 7 pages - Hyeun Sung Kim, ByapakPaudel, Jee-SooJang,Keun Lee, Seong-Hoon Oh, Il-Tae Jang,Percutaneous Endoscopic Lumbar Discectomy for All Types of Lumbar Disc Herniations (LDH) including severely difficult and extremely difficult LDH cases. Pain Physician 21 (July/August), E401-E408(Corresponding author)
- HS Kim, N Adsul, F Yudoyono, B Paudel, KJ Kim et al.TransforaminalEpiduroscopicBasivertebral Nerve Laser Ablation for Chronic Low Back Pain Associated with Modic Changes: A Preliminary Open-Label Study. Pain Research and Management Volume 2018, Article ID 6857983, 7 pages
- BibhudenduMohapatra, NitinAdsul, Hyeun Sung Kim, ByapakPaudel, Jee-Soo Jang, Jeong-Hoon Choi, Sung Kyun Chung, JeongHoon Kim, Il-Tae Jang, Seong-Hoon Oh.Knuckling Down on Predictive Factors for Early Relapse after Posterolateral Percutaneous Endoscopic Lumbar Discectomy.Journal of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery and Technique 2018; 3(2): 59-65.DOI:
Scientific Contribution
- Instructional course lecture (ICL) :Current Limits and Feasible Future Modifications of Lumbar Endoscopy, Nov 2019, 5th ASSN conference, Kathmandu
- Member organizing committee :5th ASSN conference, Kathmandu
- Moderator: 7th congress of Asia Pacific Trauma Society (APTS)&1st Scientific meeting of APOA foot& ankle section, Sept 2019, Bangkok, Thailand
- Presentation on low Back Pain, Rotary Program, Sept 2019, Kathmandu
- Faculty: ASSN Cadaver Spine course, Aug 2019, UCMS, Bhairahawa
- Faculty: Sir Gangaram Hospital Spine operative course, Aug 2019, N. Delhi, India
- Faculty: ASSN Cervical Spine course with Hands-on Workshop, July 2019, Kathmandu
- Invited Guest : 7th Asian Congress MISST 2019, May 2019, Seoul, Korea
- Faculty: ASSN CME on Spine (Infection& Injury), May 2019 ,Bharatpur
- Cochair& Panelist: HRDC- B&B Paediatric course 2018- SESSION 7: TUBERCULAR SPONDYLITIS/POST-TUBERCULAR DEFORMITY , Dhulikhel, Nepal
- Member organizing committee, Orthocon 2019, Biratnagar, Feb 2019, Nepal
- ICL : Clinical trials of Percutaneous Endoscopic Spine Surgery, 4th Himalayan Spine Symposium, Annual conference of ASSN, Nov 2018, Kathmandu
- Member organizing committee - 4thHimalayan Spine Symposium, Annual conference of ASSN, Nov 2018, Kathmandu
- Invited Faculty:ICS 2018 , August 2018 , Amritsar, India
- Invited Faculty:NASESS July 2018, Seoul, Korea
- Faculty:Thoracolumbar Spinal Work shop, July 2018 ,BPKIHS, Dharan, Nepal
- Member scientific committee, Orthocon 2018, Nepalgunj, Feb 2018, Nepal
- ICL : Disc, Pain generators and Percutaneous full Endoscopic Management, Orthocon 2018 , Feb 2018, Nepalgunj, Nepal
- Faculty:Basic Spine and Goat Spine Workshop , ISSICON 2017, N. Delhi
- Panelist – Panel DiscussionFactors contributing to the Challenge of Spine Trauma Care in India & other LMIC, ISSICON 2017, N. Delhi
- Member organizing committee - 3rd Himalayan Spine Symposium, Annual conference of ASSN, Oct 2017, Kathmandu
- Cochair Trauma Session - 3rd Himalayan Spine Symposium, Annual conference of ASSN, Oct 2017, Kathmandu
- Speaker KOMISS 2017 and cadaveric workshop-Percutaneous Full Endoscopic Bilateral Lumbar Decompression of Spinal Stenosis ThroughUniportal-Contralateral Approach: Techniques and Preliminary Results.Korea
- Faculty- 2ndNavi Symposium of Endoscopic Spine Surgery (NASESS)-General concepts of endoscopic Spine surgery ( 26th Feb 2017), Korea
- Speaker KOMISS 2016 Advanced Spinal endoscopic Course- Increase in disc height in patients with discogenic low back pain after Transforaminal Epiduroscopic Laser Annuloplasty (TELA): a new finding, Korea
- Chairperson-Paper presentation session11:00am -12:30 pm- 5th December-ASCoN conference, 2015, Kathmandu, Nepal
- Faculty – Symposium 3-Surgical management-ASSN session- ASCoN conference ,2015, Kathmandu , Nepal
- Panelist -Spinal Cord Society working group consensus statement I Role of methylprednisolone in Spinal Cord Injury Management –ISSICON Sept 2015N. Delhi, India
- Panelist- Spinal Cord Society working group consensus statement V Is Thromboprophylaxis mandatory in acute SCI in Asian population - ISSICON Sept 2015N. Delhi, India
- Faculty –Cadaveric workshop on Thoracolumbar instrumentation- Orthocon 2015 Preconference workshop
- Panelist-Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy- Orthocon 2015
- Lecture- Complication related to Thoracolumbar Instrumentation-Orthocon 2015 Preconference workshop
- Guest Lecturer,AO Spine Principles /Advance Course 19-21 Feb, 2014, Kathmandu ,Nepal
- Clinical and Radiographic Assessment of Stability,Biomechanical Principles
- Spinal Cord Injury Patterns, Assessment and Management Principles
- Cervical Degeneration with Cord Compression and Myelopathy
- Guest Lecturer, AO Spine Principles Symposium, Kathmandu,Nepal, 8-9 Sept., 2012
Wires, Hook, Screws: Which, when and how?
- Guest Lecturer, AO Spine Principles Symposium, Kathmandu,Nepal, 22-23April, 2011
Implant Biomechanics: wire, hook, screw
Scientific Papers Presentation Abroad
- Solid IMIL nailing (SIGN) in TibialNonunion,7th congress of Asia Pacific Trauma Society (APTS)&1st Scientific meeting of APOA foot& ankle section, Sept 2019, Bangkok, Thailand
- Disc, Pain generators and Percutaneous full Endoscopic Management , Sir Gangaram Hospital Spine operative course, Aug 2019, N. Delhi, India
- Outcome of Surgical Decompression in Simple Degenerative LumbarCanal Stenosis: an Evaluation of preoperative Neurological Deficientpatients and Determination of Outcome predictor,7th Asian Congress MISST 2019, May 2019, Seoul, Korea
- Epiduroscopic laser ablation of sinuvertebral nerve for discogenic back pain, ICS 2018, Amritsar, India
- Clinical trials of Percutaneous Endoscopic Spine Surgery, NASESS, July 2018, Seoul, Korea
- Poster: Disc, Pain generators and Percutaneous full Endoscopic Management, APOA congress , April 2018, Antalya, Turkey
- Poster: Disc, Pain generators and Percutaneous full Endoscopic Management, ISSICON , Nov 2017, N. Delhi
- ISASS17 | Boca Raton, Florida, USA. Friday, April 14, 2017 1:16 pm - 1:19 pm 182 Outcome of Percutaneous Endoscopic Lumbar Discectomy Based on SurgicalDifficulty Grade of Disc Herniations: A New Classification, USA
- KOMISS 2017 and cadaveric workshop - Percutaneous Full Endoscopic Bilateral Lumbar Decompression of Spinal Stenosis Through Uniportal-Contralateral Approach: Techniques and Preliminary Results,27th May 2017 , Korea
- KOMISS 2016 Advanced Spinal endoscopic Course-Increase in disc height in patients with discogenic low back pain after Transforaminal Epiduroscopic Laser Annuloplasty (TELA): a new finding,3-4 Dec 2016, Korea
- Korean Neurosurgical Society (KNS) Spring conference 2017
Oral:Analysis of clinical result in three different route of percutaneous endoscopic transforaminal lumbar discectomy approach for lumbar herniated disc-Presented on 14th April 2017, Korea
- Increase in disc height in patients with discogenic low back pain after Transforaminal Epiduroscopic Laser Annuloplasty (TELA) a new finding
- Outcome of Percutaneous Endoscopic Lumbar Discectomy based on Surgical Difficulty Grade of disc herniation a new classification
- 56th Annual meeting of Korean Neurosurgical Society (KNS) 29th Sept- 1st Oct 2016, Korea
Podium presentation :Coauthor (Presented by KeunLee):Is it possible the percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy for all types of lumbar disc herniations? Evolution of rigid percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy
- Percutaneous Full Endoscopic Treatment of Bertolotti’s syndrome: a report of 3 cases
- Percutaneous Full Endoscopic Ligamentum Flavum Splitting Interlaminar Approach for Removal of Dorsally Migrated Lumbar Huge Disc: A case report
- 2ndNavi Symposium of Endoscopic Spine Surgery (NASESS) Seoul, Korea
General concepts of endoscopic Spine surgery ( 26th Feb 2017)
- Asia spine 2016 conference , Sept 2016,Seoul, Korea
- Spontaneous Spinal Canal Remodeling after Postural Pillow Reduction and Lordotic Posterior Column Compressive Percutaneous Transpedicular Screw fixation in Thoracolumbar Burst Fractures
- Percutaneous Full Endoscopic LigamentumFlavum Splitting Interlaminar Approach for Removal of Dorsally Migrated Lumbar Huge Disc: A case report
- Percutaneous Full Endoscopic Treatment of Bertolotti’s syndrome: a report of 3 cases
Nanoori TeleSymposium Oral Presentations ,Suwon, Korea
- Abducens Palsy after Spondylisthesis Surgery: A Rare Complication 50th Nanoori Tele Symposium Spine Meet 8th July 2016
- Is it possible to treat Bertolotti’s Syndrome by Percutaneous Full Endoscopic Technique,51st Nanoori Tele Symposium (Suwon), 15th July 2016
- Spontaneous Spinal Canal Remodeling after Postural Pillow Reduction and Lordotic Posterior Column Compressive Percutaneous Transpedicular Screw fixation in Thoracolumbar Burst Fractures,57thNanoori Tele symposium (Joint spine symposium) 26th Aug 2016
- Increase in Disc Height in Patients with Discogenic Low Back Pain after TELA: A New Finding, 65th Nanoori Tele Symposium (Suwon) 18th Nov 2016
- Solid IMIL nailing (SIGN) in TibialNonunion,KOA 2012, Seoul, Korea,Oct, 2012
- SIGN IMIL Nailing in TibialNonunion,SIGNConference,Washington, USA, August, 2009
- Outcome of Surgical Decompression in Simple Degenerative LumbarCanal Stenosis: an Evaluation of preoperative Neurological Deficientpatients and Determination of Outcome predictor, InternationalLumbar Intervertebral Disc Conference, New Delhi, April, 2009
Professional Registration :
- Founder member Association of Spine Surgeons of Nepal (ASSN) as Joint Secretary Estd. June ,2012
- Orthopaedic and Spine SurgeonRegistered in Nepal Medical Council, Regd. No: 2709
- Life Memberof Nepal Orthopaedic Association (NOA), Regd. No:70
- Life Memberof Nepal Medical Association (NMA) Regd. No:4801/L-4257
- Life Member Spinal Cord Society, Regd.No: 1425
- AO Spine Member, Regd No. 25546- Faculty (Provisional)
- Member Asia Pacific Spine Society (APSS)
- Member Asia Pacific Trauma and Infection Society
- Member Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association (APOA)
Service to Professional Organization/Academic Institute:
- ReviewerNeurospine
- Reviewer of World Neurosurgery Journal
- Reviewer Biomed Research International
- Reviewer of ActaOrthopaedica et TraumatologicaTrucica (AOTT)
- Reviewer of Journal of International Medical Research (JIMR)
- Reviewer of Journal of Neurological Surgery- Part A (JNLS-A), Central European Neurosurgery,
- Reviewer of Journal of Clinical Neuroscience (JOCN)
- International Board Member, International Journal of Recent Surgical & Medical Sciences
- Editorial board:Grande Int. Hospital Medical Journal (GMJ)
- Executive member Asia Pacific Trauma Society (APTS) 2018-2020
- National delegate Federation of Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association (APOA) 2016-2018
- Organizing Secretary, 3rd Nepal/Japan combined symposium Orthocon 2016 Pokhara ,2016
- General Secretary , NOA, 2014-2016
- Joint Secretary ,NOA , 2012-2014
- Treasurer ASSN, 2018-2020
- Joint Secretary, ASSN, since 2012-2017
- Active participation in organization of Himalayan Spine Symposium, Annual Conference of ASSN
- Act
- NMC Number - 2709
- Qualification - MD, MS ( Ortho), Fellowship Minimally Invasive Endoscopic Spine Surgery
- Speciality - Consultant Orthopedic and Spine Surgeon
- Website - N/A
- Act