CT- scan and MRI centers in Kathmandu
6 November, 2020CT- scan and MRI centers in Kathmandu...
Read MoreStomatitis is an inflammatory process affecting mucous membranes of mouth and lips. It is characterized by redness, ulceration in oral cavity with burning sensation, salvation and pain. Stomatitis occurs anywhere in the mouth, including the inside of cheeks, gums, tongue, lips and palate.
Stomatitis can be co related with Mukhapaka in Ayurveda. Mukhapaka comes under Mukharoga. Acharya Sushruta has classified 65 mukharogas according to seat of affection, susceptible body tissue and shape.
It is very common disease of oral cavity in Nepal as well as Asia, due to our lifestyle and food habits, which is; taking spicy and sour foods like pani puri and chatpate from over the counter places, or eating oily, heavy food from fast food center, excessive intake of citrus and acidic fruits and vegetables, habit of tobacco chewing, smoking, alcohol consumption. improper timing of meals, lack of exercise, mental stress etc.
Stomatitis may also be related to temporarily reduced immune system, hormonal changes, low levels of vitamin B12 or folate. Sometimes even biting inside of cheek or chewing sharp piece of food can trigger the inflammation inside the mouth.
Mukhapaka is a disease of oral cavity characterized as the paka avastha of oral mucosa and produces ulcers. There is an aggravation of Pitta dosha due to excessive intake of spicy, sour and fried foods and Pitta accumulating habits like improper or insufficient sleep, low water intake, excessive fasting etc.
Stomatitis is treated in Western medicine by using various vitamins, esp Vitamin B complex, systematic antibiotics, tetracycline mouthwash and local application of antiseptic pain relieving gel like Zytee RB gel or topical corticosteroid preparation such as triamcinolone, kenalog etc.
In Mukhapaka, there is vitiation of Pitta dosha, Raktavaha Shrota and mamsa dhatu. So, our line of treatment should be based on correcting and strengthening digestion, balancing the vitiated Pitta dosha, reducing inflammation and pain, promoting wound healing and improving nutrition status.
The following treatment modalities in Ayurveda are very effacious in stomatitis
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